[By @waterlou, @mikamika59]因為昨天太醉所以今天才寫~有趣的聖誕惡搞精選(Geek)
- CSS3 3D Rocks! "Oh DOM Tree, Oh DOM Tree! Thy leaves are all form elements! "
http://hakim.se/experiments/css/domtree/ by @hakimel (Song by @paulirish) - JS1K Style Merry Xmas by @cowboy
http://benalman.com/code/projects/js1k-organ1k-xmas/organ1k-xmas.html - Geek, Really Geek: How can we draw a Christmas tree with decorations, using TikZ? http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/39149/how-can-we-draw-a-christmas-tree-with-decorations-using-tikz
- Let it snow in CSS3 animation: http://designshack.net/tutorialexamples/letitsnow/index.html
- Let it snow in JS, with unique snowflakes via glyhs ('+*×' or '❄❅❆')
http://zeptojs.com/let-it-snow/ - Christmas Decoration by @codepo8
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
p.s.1 另外因為假期,星期天網語上星期及今星期休刊
p.s.2 今天是星期一
p.s.1 另外因為假期,星期天網語上星期及今星期休刊
p.s.2 今天是星期一