2009年6月15日 星期一

[Orz] [Twitter Spam] 消極對抗Spam Follower的方法 (The way to save yourself from Spam follow Passively)

(中文) 消極對抗Spam Follower的方法

因為受夠了Twitter上一堆'Britney Vids'、'Horny ***'、'*** Hotties'一類的Spam Follower關照,在Twitter實在不夠Spamm快的情形下只好弄了個AdBlock Plus filter,務求在Block Spam Follow時不讓自己雙眼受罪
使用方法: 連結有下載鍵(左上方黑色),下載後打開AdBlock Plus的Option (Edit filter的那頁),(選單) Filter→Import→選filter檔→按Append

(English) The way to save yourself from Spam follow, Passively

Because of the tons of Spam follower, 'Britney *** Vids' / 'Horny ***' / '*** Hotties' keeps on trying to follow me at Twitter and Twitter react much slower than Spam, the only thing I can do to stop the spam is to make a adblock plus filter so that I can block them without wasting any bandwidth on their !#@$% avatar
How to use: Download the file shown in the link below. Import to the AdBlock Plus (Append): AdBlock Plus Option, (Menu) Filter→Import→Filter File Downloaded→Append
[Preview and Download]

