2011年10月6日 星期四

RIP, Steve Jobs - Thank you for a better web & real HTML5

Dear Steve,

Thank you for your innovative iPad and bringing HTML5 into the real world.
Thank you for leading Apple to push a better, beautiful web standard  (HTML5 & CSS3), and say no to Flash - it change the web again.
Thank you for making the best development machine I have. (iMac '09 / Snow Leopard)
Thank you for founding & leading the amazing Apple, Inc. Please Rest in Peace.

Best Regards,
Vinci (@vincicat)
要不是Apple推HTML5 & CSS3 + No Flash + iPad,大概沒有今天的Web: HTML5的興盛與Adobe & M$對HTML5的轉向以至今天的browser軍備競賽…
Steve,Thank you.

