後來kotaku訪問了始作俑者的那位Developer,Todd Howard (Bethesda's chief game developer): 後日談: How They Came Up With Skyrim’s ‘Arrow In The Knee’ Line
"這句的作者是 Emil Pagliarulo[Senior Bethesda game designer],創作及加入遊戲的原意是想守衛們有多一點個性-不止是說你(玩家)的事,也說說自己的事" …只是Todd沒想到會大紅。 然而為什麼Emil會寫出這句…很遺憾Kotaku這次找不到本人來問,也許這是另一個故事?
Thank you for your innovative iPad and bringing HTML5 into the real world.
Thank you for leading Apple to push a better, beautiful web standard (HTML5 & CSS3), and say no to Flash - it change the web again.
Thank you for making the best development machine I have. (iMac '09 / Snow Leopard)
Thank you for founding & leading the amazing Apple, Inc. Please Rest in Peace.
Best Regards,
Vinci (@vincicat)
要不是Apple推HTML5 & CSS3 + No Flash + iPad,大概沒有今天的Web: HTML5的興盛與Adobe & M$對HTML5的轉向以至今天的browser軍備競賽…
Steve,Thank you.
[模擬器] JSLinux
地上最強32 bit PC emulator in browser, Linux OS: 由bios到gcc compiler一應俱存還有boot機,不過又是一close tab東西就沒了? [wikipedia說明]
(至於HTML5 VNC/SSH Tool應該是一打,不贅)
[Opera] Opera 11.50 Release
升級一行文: "New design, new extensions, more HTML5 support, improved performance for CSS and SVG"
瀏覽功能和效能為主的更新[更多],HTML5的部分主要是HTML5 Form補完、File API
另外他們在挑戰下載數衝成就的活動,詳情參閱Opera首頁 (過了Lady Gaga Twitter Followers數了...)
Crazy JS/CSS是新系列,專門討論一些很瘋狂或很實用的JS/CSS App/Demo/Library/Polyfill/...
總之目的只有一個: "Blow your mind"
Here we go.
作者的Blog post
Mozilla的人做的免plugin HTML5 PDF Reader,目前開始了一個月-基本功能大概要3個月完成,現在的prototype只有一些圖片顯示。技術基本是HTML5 canvas為骨幹,所以SVG和text selection都會麻煩-不過圖片或不規則的東西會很好處理。
Project Home(我都會以為是mad.js...)
因為html5 audio作的太bug(電風扇那邊得來的經驗)或是mozilla死也不支援有patent的傢伙,所以在web播個mp3是有夠難的-因此有受不了的強者用Audio Data API+Web Audio API做了mp3 player (MAD)。目前只支援firefox或chrome,其他應該沒那麼快有,不過夠用了。
The Wheels Of Steel: An Ode To Turntables (in HTML)
作者的Blog post
而這些少女們不禁令推友們想到來自東京的漂浮少女Natsumi Hayashi,不過這位的照片可是更高難度的跳躍漂浮shot。簡單介紹和照片選輯可以看這篇和這篇,照片甚至是拍攝方法(!)可以到她本人的Blog: yowayowa camera women diary看,Blog是英日對照,十分貼心,她也有一直更新yowayowa diary (photo blog)和news (拍攝技巧,作品集成)的部分
The Idea will be: make responsive web design more responsive with legacy web browser.
The reason: even JS patch works, still, legacy browsers are too problematics to developers. (e.g. the speed, DOM incompatibility, etc)
Idea is here but the implementation is problem...may be similar to mobile template (lets call it legacy template), with much more inaccuracy. Also it may be suffer from the problem of versioning again.
IE, please die. Old version of modern browsers, please rest.